
    Farm Walk Shows Collaboration is Key

    22nd August 2018

    This week our Farm Walk at SBA vice chairman Scott Henderson’s Carswadda Farm opened the gates of his exceptional farm and finishing unit in Dumfries.  The evening, which saw over 80 farmers attending, lead on from our February visit to the Walkers Drumbuie farm at Sanquhar and will follow the calves seen at the suckler unit through to finish. 

    Both visits showcased  how collaboration and integration throughout beef supply chains can lead to genetic improvement, increased efficiencies and profitability for all partners.  

    Many thanks to Scott and Neil Henderson for hosting the event and to Michael Walker for his input.  It was the first opportunity we have had to see calves in the spring at one farm and follow them through to a finishing unit at another. The relationship between the two farms and how it works to both parties advantage, was a real eye opener to lots of us. Our thanks to our sponsors A B Vista and A K Stoddarts for an excellent barbeque, and to Gavin and Karen from SAC for there usual  interesting and important contribution to an enjoyable evening.


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