Production of beef at Dalswinton.
13th April 2023
Lying in the heart of the Nith Valley on fertile land by the banks of the river rising to hill land at the end of the river catchment is the host farm of Scotland’s Beef Event, Dalswinton Estate.
With land that lends itself favourably to beef production, a total of 555 cows featuring Blue Gray Shorthorn, Luing and Aberdeen-Angus genetics are run. Using Angus and Charolais bulls as terminal sires, a total of 533 cows were scanned in calf with 510 calves reared during the 2022-2023 season, giving a calf rearing percentage of 92%.
Calves are sold at 11 months of age when bullocks average 407kg and heifers 378kg, giving an average daily liveweight gain of 1.1kg. Many of these bullocks are regularly finished by farming partners at 17 to 20 months of age at an average deadweight of 367kg.
Despite these genetics providing a strong weight gain for the store calves produced, Dalswinton Estate still made a deficit of £81 per cow for the 2022-2023 season.
Each week on the lead up to Scotland’s Beef Event at Dalswinton, Peter will put together a headline of information with a different subject area about the herd. The publication schedule is as follows:
3 April Introduction to Dalswinton
10 April Production of beef at Dalswinton
17 April Marketing of beef at Dalswinton
24 April Controlling cost at Dalswinton
1 May Cropping at Dalswinton
8 May Carbon and Biodiversity position at Dalswinton
15 May Financial support at Dalswinton
22 May Application of modern technology options at Dalswinton
29 May The future at Dalswinton
If you are interested in finding out more about the Dalswinton Estate beef enterprise and the future of Scottish beef production, head along to Scotland’s Beef Event at Dalswinton Estate, Dumfriesshire, on Tuesday, 6 June. Tickets are now available to purchase via the website and don’t forget to take advantage of the Early Bird discount.